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There are several political artists that consented to having their work incorporated into this project. They graciously trusted my artistic vision and I want to honor them. Over the past year activists have been targeted by police, they have been followed, threatened, lost their jobs, and been vilified by mainstream media all in an attempt to censor and silence their voices.... but they didnt and they never will

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Top 8 reasons not to support Valentines Day

8. It carries an enormously unnecessary carbon footprint

7. It makes lonely people feel lonelier

6. It is supported by irresponsible deforestation

5. It is a part of a settler agenda to sculpt our 'national identity'

4. Its based on a history of racist oppression and the assimilation of pagan and indigenous traditions

3. It takes healthy values and warps them into unhealthy consumerist activities

2. Because it perpetuates colonial gender roles

1. Because its fueled by corporate advertising campaigns that push mass produced junk

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